We are looking for 4 talented PhD student candidates!
Why should you do your PhD with CompCancer?
If you have a computational background and a strong drive to develop and apply computational methods to promote cancer research, go ahead and apply! The aim of our qualification programme is the education of a new generation of computational biologists, who can do independent research to tackle various aspects of the field, like cancer heterogeneity and precision oncology.
What does the programme look like?
Our programme covers the broad range from basic science to biomedical application in cancer therapy. You will be able to:
Each PhD student is supervised by a team of two members of the CompCancer faculty. Mainstays of our activities are the weekly seminar, the annual retreat with the CompCancer faculty, as well as an annual Students’ retreat organised by the PhD candidates themselves for a lively exchange within the research training group and beyond. These are further complemented by lectures, workshops, support for attending conferences or symposia, and joint events with other graduate programmes focusing on either computational research or cancer research. What’s more: CompCancer students have a strong input in tailoring the components of the programme to their requirements. You will be joining a community of ~20 CompCancer PhD students from various fields of cancer research across relevant groups and institutes of Berlin.
What are the prerequisites for application?
You either have a degree in areas of computer sciences, physics or mathematics and you ideally had contact with life sciences, or you have a degree in the life sciences and you have a strong interest and background in computing or mathematics. You should have finished your Master’s degree by November 2023.
What are the conditions?
The position is funded at the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin for 3 years. It is a 75% position (29,25 h/week) with a salary according to collective agreement E13 TVöD VKA - K (for more information, check here). The PhD can be started 1st of June 2025.
How does the application process work?
Application is done via a portal hosted by the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), and the application deadline is the 14th of March 2025. Just create an account, select CompCancer, and upload your information and documents here.
Briefly, you will be asked to provide:
You can select up to three potential supervisors you want to work with.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a recruitment and matching event from April 2nd to 4th.